MenuLeaf is one of function system built by APTOUT International Co. Ltd comprehensive business group.
APTOUT International Co. Ltd was found in 2008, and based in Guangzhou City, the business center of China. We specialize to provide business guide (like translation service, arrange attending exhibition or business conference and visit manufacture’s factories) , goods purchasing service and goods delivery service.
We serve the customers from Africa, South America, Europe and Asia. And the major business area covers building Materials, Textile, Electronic Products and Machinery.
In order to make sure the quality of the products delivered to customers; we inspect the whole production process and arrange goods delivery to destination for our customers. We have good relationship with international transportation companies like DHL/EMS. It can save your cost and time.
We also help our customers to look for the products they require, as we have long term partnership with various factories, we know the quality levels of different suppliers. Of course we can also get good price of the goods from them.
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B016 – B18 2rd floor YueYang Trading Market Liyue Street Yuexiu District
Guangzhou, GuangDong Province 528429